tirsdag den 18. marts 2014

My Chickensoup story

Chickensoup - Don’t do drugs


One day at a party, I think I saw a cake which looked like a dog, but I just think, I was a bit drunk. Until I later saw pictures on Facebook of me eating it, in the kitchen, it was the birthday girl’s, who hold the party, cake which looked like her dog. The day before I had fun but now, I didn’t care. After that day I were not allowed to come to Liz’s house again, but I didn’t care, I didn’t even know her until a day, where she became my girlfriend. Liz was another person at the time, I got know her, she was not the girl who liked puppies and horses, but heavy metal and black clothes with spikes on was her favorite things, and then parties, and drugs. We went to a lot of parties together and I began doing drugs too. At the start I didn’t like it, but I got used to it. At a party at one of my friend’s house, Liz got kicked from the party, because my friend didn’t want any drugs. She sat outside freezing, and had a drink with in her hand. She was still doing drugs while she was waiting for the bus, I sat with her for a couple hours, until the bus came. When she got home, she called me, and I answered, but it was not my girlfriend who rang from the phone, but her mother. She told me that Liz had been admitted to the hospital, because of an overdose of drugs. I ran as fast, as I could to the nearby bus, and I was lucky, I would come in ten minutes. Soon I was at the Hospital, and when I came there was so happy, just because it came 2 minutes before time. When I finally got there, Liz was moved to the emergency area of the hospital. She was unconscious, after 3 hours of coma, the doctors said that Liz were dead and there was nothing to do. Happily we wasn’t so close to each other. After the burial, I stopped seeing Liz’s family and I began being more home with my family. Honestly I didn’t see liz´s family anymore and didn’t care that much. Anyway, I stopped drugs and I became better at school, lived a better life.
Written by Jakob 8.B.

3 kommentarer:

  1. The message of the story is not very clear. But otherwise you did a good job

  2. The story is a bit confusing, but you write nicely.

    // Lena and Mathilde
