mandag den 17. marts 2014

Does money sometimes make your popular?

Does money sometimes make your popular?

It´s a beautiful day, today. I have got my pocket money from my parents, and all is just perfect. So I´m now ready to have fun with my friends. My best friends is Kim and Benjamin. They´re are both 15 years old. I´m also 15 years old and my name is Sebastian.

It´s Friday morning, and today I shall make a presentation to the whole of my class. Whenever I stay in front and get attention, I feel good, but I hate to make a presentation in the front of my class. The reason for I hate to make a presentation in the front of my class, is amongst other things a sweet and beautiful girl, named Laura, whom is going in my class. After school, I go with my best friends. We all went home together. Then we came home, my parents were arguing in the kitchen. “FUCK YOU!!”, scream my mother. My father answered, “I´m really sorry baby! However, I could not stand up against! I´m really really sorry!” After my father sad that, my mother was slipped out of ours house. I screamed, “NOOO mother! Please came back!!” Nevertheless, she didn´t came back… My friends was also gone. Right now it´s only my father and me, who stay back in ours house. 

After that day, I have not seen my mother. I have neither seen my friends, but the most important thing is, I have lost all my money. My mother took them all. I´m nervous and scared. What shall I do right now? I have lost all my money, and my friends would not acknowledge me. There is only one thing, that is going good, and that is, I have talked with Laura the last couple of days. I asked her recently if she wanted to go on a date with me, honestly I did not believe it, but luckily she said ´´Yes´´. We agreed to meet on Wednesday after school.

It´s Wednesday, and later that day I shall on a date with Laura. Now it finally that day, I have be waiting for in the last ten years. However, before I shall on a date with Laura, shall we first in school. The time toll and now we have free. Laura and I walk down to the middle of the city. We shall in the great cinema. We shall see the new movie “ The Hobbit”. It´s a great movie, but I concentrat me just about kissing her. It feels like I soar, it´s a fantastic feeling. 

After that fantastic day, I have got a girlfriend, yes exactly, Laura. We have it heavenly, when we being together. So maybe make money your popular for somebody, but there´s also people, who like you like you´re!  
                                                      Written by Victor Buur Hansen.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  2. We don't understand the message. Do you write in past tense or present?
    Otherwise you did a good job, thumbs up buur ;-)

    // Lena and Mathilde
