mandag den 10. marts 2014

Love is unfair

Love is so unfair. My first love dumped me. Dumped me! My heart was broken! Smashed with a shoe with long spikes! That is not how it goes!
In the start, our relationship was like ‘a dance on pink clouds’. He asked me to be his girlfriend at my birthday. I remembered that I felt I was the happiest girl in the world. Actually, I felt like I was a princess, and he became my prince. Like any other relationship we went to the cinema, we where together every day after school. He wrote long emotionally sweet texts and sometimes I didn’t know how to react because he was my first love, and I hoped intensely that it would last forever...
I think our relationship was ‘a dance on pink clouds’ in one year and three months before it ended in disaster. I still don’t know how it started and why, but my guess is that the start of the beginning of the end was in the summer holidays. I went to Morocco; he went to the Maldives Islands. We both went out of our countries for two weeks during the same days. We promised each other that we would text each other two times within two weeks. No big deal…
What happened, which started my frustrations, was that he didn’t answer my texts to him, which didn't resemble him. So I blamed the connection, but even when he came home, he didn’t answer me. He didn’t even answer my calls. At Iast I decided to visit him unannounced…
He was totally different and distant. I asked if I'd done something wrong. He just said: “No, I just need time to be alone for a while, okay?”
Later that week, he wrote that it couldn’t be ‘us’ anymore. I didn’t answer him, I was speechless! During the rest of the summer holiday I cried and was discouraged. I thought that my life was undignified. When the school started, it hurt to see him with other girls… with a smile on. My luck was that I had a sweet friend, who helped me over him. I remembered it was hard. I still don’t know why he dumped me. Love is so unfair.

Written by Trine

8 kommentarer:

  1. It Was a good story because it Was good described and a lot of details :-) but still a bit sad
    -Jakob og Buur

  2. Nice story, Trine! Many good idions, and a Nice vocabulary to. But it's bit short and that's a shame!

  3. Really good story :-) It was really sweet and we really liked that you used a lot of metaphors, like "a dance on pink clouds."

    - Liza und Emilia

  4. The story was good and the act was too, but the ending was a bit abrouptly. i miss some details about the persons, and why the boy dumped her.
