fredag den 21. marts 2014

Girl Trouble

I recently found out, that It's a good thing not to give up hope and keep chasing your dreams, because eventually you will catch it.

It was a regular school day, the bell just rang out from last class. I was walking home with Simon and Carl, as I did every day. When I came home, the first thing I saw was my dad sitting in his chair, as he did every day, I was on the way up to my room, when I heard my dad' voice calling from the living room "RICK", I walked back into the living room and asks "What", "I need you to grab some things from the store around the corner" he say as he puts a little piece of paper in my hand. When I arrived at the store I quickly found the things I needed, but just in the moment I had given the store clerk the moneys, she came through the door to the store. It was Amanda from school, a girl I had had a crush on for several years now, I quickly looked the other way and grabbed the things I had bought, and rushed through the door, and ran the rest of the way home as fast as I could. When I came home, I gave the things I had bought, to my dad and rushed up to my room. Soon I would go to bed, but I had to finish my homework and help my dad in bed, but when I was done with that, I went to bed. When I woke up the next day, I actually got up early, because I couldn't sleep, I just laid in my bed and thought about what happened the day before. I couldn't get her out of my head, her name and face were printed in my mind. It felt like she was the only thing in my head and the fact that I saw her in the store yesterday didn't help on it.  Somehow I managed to get through the day and make it through a test in the math lesson. When I got home, I walked straight up to my room, I threw my bag at the floor and decided to, go to bed early that day, I just couldn't get her out of my head and I didn't want to be awake and just staring at nothing and thinking about her. The following day I didn't want to get out of bed, but I had to, because we had a big biology assignment, I'm pretty good at biology, so that wasn't the problem, the problem was that my partner was Amanda and I couldn't say a word when I was together with her. After a half hours work or something like that, I had broke the ice with some bad jokes and we started talking and it seemed like she finally had noticed me and it was just uphill from that point, we started seeing each other outside school, mostly at her place, because my dad didn't like when I brought friends home. Not a long time after we started seeing each other outside school, we became a couple, and I was happy as never before.            

6 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. It Was a good story, because it Was a standard and

    2. Good written story
      -Jakob og Buur

  2. It's a quite cute story, but with an abrupt ending. You write varied and you know the english language. Furthermore you have a clear and good-looking layout :-)

    // Mathilde og Lena

  3. A really cute story :-) Very well written

    Liza and Emilia

  4. Good story but the ending is simply to short.
