mandag den 24. marts 2014


Last week I overheard my parents arguing about something. At first I just thought it was an argument but as time went on they got more aggressive. I where just about to go to sleep when I heard something smashing, I then got out of the bed and walked into the living room and asked my mom and dad what happened they just told me that my mom unfortunately smashed a vase but I didn’t say anything about the argument and just went to bed again.
 The next day after school when I came home I found my mom crying in the hallway I started asking why she was crying she just said that dad would properly not be with us anymore and then it hit me that my mom and dad is getting a divorce why have I been that stupid of course they are getting one the arguing and mom smashing my dad’s favourite vase how could I have been so stupid. Then for a long time nothing happened my dad came back but nothing happened no yelling at each other, no arguing, everything went on just as if nothing happened but I couldn’t be happy knowing that they could come into my room any minute and tell me that they were getting a divorce. All of it was so bad that I couldn’t focus in school. Every test I got an F when I am used to getting straight B´s.
Then it just came to me, I know someone that knows how it is to have parents that have gotten a divorce I can just ask him how it is after school. I confronted him and asked how I can get through my parents’ divorce he only had one piece of advice for it and that was to ask my parents if they were getting a divorce. Just when he where gone I knew exactly why I was so afraid of it I didn’t know if they were getting a divorce. All the time I had waited for them to tell me that they were getting one, so I decided to ask them when I got home. But, when I came home no one were home, they were probably out buying groceries so I waited on them but they didn´t come home and it became dark and suddenly I heard a car door close. I heard the door knop twitching and in came my parents, at first I where happy to see them but I quickly got a serious look on my face and then the question were out. At first they thought I was joking but then they looked at me and knew that I was serious, they then asked me why I was asking that question. Then I told them everything down to the last detail, and then they told me their part of the story. The reason why they were arguing was that when my dad came home he told my mom that he might have brain cancer but my mom didn´t believe him so she got really angry and began yelling at him. Then he began yelling and then my mom threw the vase in anger, but as it turned out it wasn’t my dad that had gotten brain cancer, it was a patient with the same last name as him. So everything where ok nothing bad had happened to my dad also my mom and dad didn’t get a divorce it was all just me that had jumped to conclusions to early.

søndag den 23. marts 2014

The Treasured Tsunami

What is happiness? How do you get the key to life? If you ask me, being self-centered is the answer. People don’t like me, because I am self-centered. Why can't I have the permission to like myself?

It was a lovely summer day, and I was pumping for the girls. Mom and Dad came home, and told me that we were going on a holiday to France with their two friends. I told them it sucked. Why would I go to France with my parents...Well, because they had a daughter. She was 15 years old, and her name was Ave Maria. The name said it all. We quickly pack our bags, and in the blink of an eye, we were hitting the road for France. When we got there, we drove pass the beach, and it simply looked amazing. The beach was huge, and the content of humans was smaller than back home. The weather was fabulous, and it was really hot. It wasn’t long, before the evening covered up the country. Ave Maria talked a lot to me, and she seemed to like me. But she wasn’t going to pull the strings, therefore I asked if we could go the beach ALONE, so she could see the astonishing body of Benjamin. And for the first time in my lonely life, this one girl actually didn’t care about me being happy for myself. She just gave me that Ave-alike grin that she had. We were bathing, and the sunset was lying perfectly low. The shining of the sun sharpened her and everything else became blurred, and for the first time in my life, anything else than myself was centered around her. She was like an angel, when she waved her hair in slow-motion.. Suddenly, I saw the waves waving the other way. I knew what was about to happen. Out of the blue, I shouted ‘’RUN!’’. At first she didn’t understand, but we ran. I told her to call her parents. They simply had to prepare the automobile, otherwise we wouldn't be able to make it. So she did and we ran. If you haven’t figured out already it was a tsunami, just about to re-make us into fossils. We ran, and ran and ran and ran, faster and faster, instincts were drawing out into every single gene that we had. She stumbled, and her leg was totally busted. She was crying, because she couldn’t walk. She said that I should go without her. And I was wondering… Should I live to fight another day? Or should I die to become a fossil today? But my feelings for her overran me, and I took her up on my shoulders, bellowed like Tarzan and I ran faster than ever before. I could almost feel the tsunami blow me in the neck, and I saw the car. They were ready, and off we were! We drove like Hell was haunting us! We could hear buildings crash, and we witnessed the crying and wailing of all the innocents. The helpless. The children. I felt blessed… Not only did we survive, but I helped another human-being. I saved a life.

 Speaking of surviving, the tsunami closed in! My mother passed out. So did Ave Maria. We spotted a hill, which seemed to be big enough to overcome the tsunami. We drove up, and when we stood out, the tsunami banged on the hill so hard that we all fell. It was bad. When I got up I helped my mother. She wasn't doing so well. Then I walked to the edge. I looked down on the worst thing in my life. For the first time in my life I shed a tear on the ways of other people, who wasn’t familiar to me. Anyway, as we stood on the hilltop the water of the tsunami had surrounded us. Nevertheless, we waited for the some of the water to dry on one side of the hill. We finally crossed the low-laying water. Home Sweet Home. My life changed since that day. I was happy in another way than usually. Ave Maria was stunned and staggered. When I tried to comfort her, she punched me in the face, kicked me in the nuts, gave me a nipple-twister, but I just asked ‘’Will you marry me Ave Maria?’’ She said yes. Time grew fast and I became a biologist, and she became a geologist. The adventure of my life had just begun.

And here I am, 105 years old. Since that day, it was meant to be me and her. Who would have thought that a tsunami would treasure me? We got married in the age of 15. We have been married for 90 years now. Now, what I wanted to tell with this story is that you must not be afraid to be glad of yourself or being yourself. No matter what people say, you’ve got to be happy. It’s sure better than hating yourself, thinking you’re fat or ugly. Though, if you're able to be a sympathetic human, even though, you are self-centered then you’re in possession of a respectable virtue. But in the end, there will be one person who loves you just the way you are. I mean look at me now. I’ve had my granite wedding, and I am still the happiest person in the universe. The adventure of my life still wages on.

‘’When I was 5 years old my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.’’   -John Lennon


 Benjamin Aakjær

fredag den 21. marts 2014

M- maybe it isn't ment to be
O- over yet, a
V- very wise man once told me
E- everything will be okay in the end, if not it isn't the end.
Away from family

James and Sarah

James and Sarah
Oh no, it was 7.30 am and school started in half an hour. I didn't looked forward to it. It wasn't because I don't like school. It's just the people in it. Especially a really mean girl called Sarah. She can't leave me alone. She says mean things to me all the time. But the thing is that she used to be sweet, before she got popular. Even though she is mean to me, I still like her.
I packed my things and got ready for the bus and 20 minutes later I was in the school. All of sudden I felt a hand on my back and then I was laying on the ground. My glasses broke. I turned around and saw Sarah's face smiling at me, while she said: "Watch out star wars freak". All the other students laughed. I picked up my glasses and ran to the bathroom. I couldn't see anything, but I hadsome tape in my backpackI fixed them and walked into my classroom. All my fellow students went totally quiet when I walked in. Until Sarah said: "Look there goes the ugly little freak". All her friends were like "Haha, EW, nasty, hate him, freak" and so on. I've just found my chair and sat down. We were about to have physics. I like physics and I actually like my lab partner. She is very sweet and a bit like myself. But today were going to have new partners. I prayed to God that it wouldn't be any of Sarah's friends, they are so mean. Our teacher came into the classroom. "Hallo class, ready for some physics, huh? As you know we're going to have new partners today. I'm justgoing to say who's with who and you stand together at your table." My teacher (Mrs. Jungle.) said the different partners but I didn't really listen until she said my name. "And are with....Sarah". My heart stopped. Why me? Sarah hates me and she is properly going to make me feel bad. I looked over at Sarah's table and she stared at me like I was dead or like she would kill me. I tried to smile at her but she just continued her evil stare. She slowly walked over to our table. She sat down and faced me. "Look little star wars gamer. You may only speak to me when we are here and it is only about our topic. And you better make you best, I need good grades in this." I just said a small yes and looked away. We started and it was the longest hour in my life. Sarah made me do all the work and she just sad on her phone. When the bell ringed I couldn't even say a word before she was gone. The day after in physics, Sarah was actually really nice. That was weird because she used to hate me. But she ran away again when the class ended. A week later Sarah and I were at her place, because of homework. I did it all. I was really confused because she had acted really strange lately. Sometimes she was nice to me, sometimes she wasn't.
Suddenly Sarah said: "Can I ask something?".
I just replied "Of course." She look really upset.
"I think, I'm starting to like you." She said.
I was really surprised and couldn't believe it.
"Are you joking?" I asked. She just said no.
It was really weird.
I just said: "I like you too"
She smiled. She was pretty.
It was really awkward in a few minutes.
But then she said: "What do we do?"
I replied: "Don't know. What do you think?"
Sarah said: "I don't care what other people say. I think we should be together."
I was really surprised but happy. So I said: "Let's do it officially on Facebook?"
Sarah smiled and said: "Yes let's do it"
So we did but Sarah got a lot mean messages. All the comments on Facebook were not sweet. But Sarah just said "Fuck it" And shut her computer down. Sarah and I are together now and that's our story.

     Christine 8.B.


Incredible design
Perfect communication
Obviously popular
No difficulty
Extremely expensive

Written by Lena
Losing my mind
Only you
Valentine's Day
Eating strawberry